GPS Problems!


23 Janvier 2004

does anyone have problems with the GPS receiver of the 407 ??

I have a 407 since May2004 39.000kms and version 6.60 instaled... in the past days the gps takes a longgggggggggg time to adquire GPS satelits....... same times only adquire 2 or 3 sat... the weather is good.... and ererything woks fine in the past... in the same places... sames streets... same higtways....

It becames a litle beat lost in the map.... i eject the navigation cd... and the coordinades apear in 0 0 0 0 - .... no signal...

it´s very :( ....... does anyone have the same problems? .... where is the GPS antena in the 407?

best regards
Pedro Nunes

Je ne sais pas pourquoi mais depuis que les gens ont installé les bétas, on en a pas mal qui ont des problemes. ALors qu'auparavant peu de plaintes et le systeme donnait globalement satisfaction pour la plupart des gens. :/

I confirm, you're right !!! :W

ca doit etre l'effet Brice. Comme le H dans Hawai, il sert à rien. :W :W