Panne de disque dur RT5 hors garantie


Nouveau membre
25 Octobre 2010
Bonjour a tous,
mon disque dur de rt5 et tombé en panne, est ce que l'un d'entre vous aurais une image du disque dur pour le remplacer ?
Dans l'attente de vous lire

Il me semble que le tuto (que l'on trouve en post-it) parle surtout de la façon de la façon de changer le disque, pas de récupérer une image... à vérifier.

Desole de repondre qu maintenant

je n'ai eu acces a internet que ce soir
exact ched, helas y pas la reponse a ma question.

dans l'attente de vous lire

Et si tu mets un disque vierge avec le cd de mise a jour ca ne vas pas tout reconstruire comme il faut?

le disque est partitionner en 4 parties
sur la partie data il faut au mois quelque fichier pour faire faire la re initialisaiton
je cherche quellqu'un qui pourai me fwd un ghost du disque dur si possible.
c'est la tout le probleme.

Apparament il y a deux interrupteur pour forcer la mise a jour et le soft de boot du CD est sur une ROM qui doit etre intacte:
Hopefully for you, it's neither totally crashed neither bootable.

RT4 SW has 2 main parts.

The first one (the loader) is located in the flash memory. This is the code executed during the boot. If you can see the Peugeot logo, it means the begining part of the boot process is OK and the file system located on the flash is reachable.

After the boot, the RT4 launch the applicative SW, mostly located on the hard-drive. If the applicative SW cannot be launched, the RT4 reboots every 10 to 30 seconds, it depends on the problem. If the hard drive is not reachable at all, it takes 30s, if the hard drive is recognized but the SW cannot be launched at all, it takes 10s.

In your case, it seems part of the applicative SW is running (some features like source, >> and << are working).

The normal upgrade process needs that the applicative software runs, at least partially. The media detection and the beginning of the upgrade process is managed at application level.

To force the upgrade from the boot (needed if the application SW is damaged which seems to be what happened to you), you have to tell your RT4 to boot in "loader mode", not in normal mode. After the boot, instead of trying to launch the applicative SW, it will try to install the SW either from the CD-R or the USB port.

It's quite easy to do. On the bottom side of the RT4, you have 2 small white switches. One close to the edge of the case, the other one more in the inside.

Before switching the RT4 on, press the switch which is in the inside, then switch the RT4 on and keep the switch pressed for 5 to 10 seconds (perhaps more). The RT4 should look for the upgrade CD, then starting the upgrade process. This process is different from the regular one. You won't have the graphical interface neither progress bar. All will be displayed as small text.

I cannot be 100% sure it will work for you, but this procedure recovered several broken RT4 crashed after a SW upgrade, which cannot be upgraded in other ways by CD-R or USB.

Before doing that, try first to delete all mp3 and wav files in the jukebox partition as well as the catalog.dat file. I guess the RT4 can continue a not finished wav->mp3 conversion session after the boot. If something is wrong with these files, it could explain a crash, or a loop in the SW which forbids the RT4 to run correctly.

The same kind of thing happened to me during a bad map upgrade. Because of temporary files in the map partition not deleted, maps were not recheable at all (but the RT4 was fine for other features). After deleting the temporary files and folder (by scripts on a USB key, I dislike to dismount my RT4, the IDE cable is very very delicate) all was fine again.

Hope this helps, good luck

merci atomic_31
je vais essayer prochainement la solution qui est proposer
merci pour ton aide sur le sujet

J'ai exactement le meme probleme que toi as tu essayé la manip et si oui quelle en est le resultat ?



J'ai le même souci de panne de disque dur visiblement sur mon RT5 de C4 Picasso.
Pouvez-vous me dire si l'un d'entre vous a essayé de changer le disque dur ou bien d'en forcer la réinitialisation svp ?

Merci d'avance.