[TUTO] Remplacer la caméra de recul 130° par la caméra panoramique 180° (Visiopark 1) sur 308

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Pour activer la caméra panoramique, que vous l'ayez d'origine ou pas, il vous faut impérativement le VIN d'une voiture avec des options identiques (ou presque) à la votre pour effectuer un télécodage automatique du NAC. Il faut évidemment que la voiture en question soit équipée de la caméra panoramique en plus de vos options.

Pourquoi ?

Car sur le NAC tout est en lecture seule pour éviter ce genre de montages:

Because for 508 it never mount this type of camera , I'm willing to try .I'm aware that will not be a perfect fit but with small concession I can handle .To fix the camera in the right place I have 3 supports , one from 308,3008,C3 aircross , after calibration I will see witch is the most appropriate.
With @VLud 's help whom I thank for the information in this tutorial I hope to do a good job.

Pièces jointes

  • 308.png
    456.3 Ko · Affichages: 240
  • 308-1.png
    342 Ko · Affichages: 216
  • 3008.png
    356.2 Ko · Affichages: 217
  • C3.png
    423.4 Ko · Affichages: 220


Thanks @VLud for this and the smeg --> NAC tutorial.
I have just done the operation on my 2015 Peugeot 308sw Allure where I have changed the smeg for NAC.
The problem I have is that the image/video quality on the new panoramic camera is really poor. There are some flickering lines/stripes and the color/lights are completly washed out.

Have I received a faulty camera, or is there something else I could have done wrong? I will think if I have gotten the + and - cables on the video wrong, I wouldn't have got an image at all. Is there some compability issues with the new camera and the old interface module(if there are any)?


Thanks @VLud for this and the smeg --> NAC tutorial.
I have just done the operation on my 2015 Peugeot 308sw Allure where I have changed the smeg for NAC.
The problem I have is that the image/video quality on the new panoramic camera is really poor. There are some flickering lines/stripes and the color/lights are completly washed out.

Have I received a faulty camera, or is there something else I could have done wrong? I will think if I have gotten the + and - cables on the video wrong, I wouldn't have got an image at all. Is there some compability issues with the new camera and the old interface module(if there are any)?
If you have interference it is possible you may not have made the correct connections ,recheck it.

Hoping this information will help others, I came back with feedback after mounting the panoramic camera on 508.It is not a easy think especially for the non facelift 508 who don't have the spot for the camera .The space is limited for mounting the support between plate lamp and the switch that open the boot .The best fit was the support that came from the 308.
The camera does not operate 100%, meaning that the image from standard view (on the left side of the screen) is "zoomed' ,I think somewhere is need to make same settings change, I don't know why ,hop to resolve this issue.
Thanks for this TUTO!!!

Pièces jointes

  • IMG_20190603_161218.jpg
    86.6 Ko · Affichages: 289
  • IMG-20190607-WA0032.jpg
    188.8 Ko · Affichages: 319

Next week I have got finally the term for reversing camera installation to my 3008 P84 at my local Peugeot dealer.
My local dealer is also open to make the activation of reversion camera with Diagbox. Now I need only to prepare for them some easy manual how to this.
New VIN code which is mandatory for activation is available :-).

Thanks VLud for this link: https://www.forum-peugeot.com/Forum...-panoramique-180°-visiopark-1-sur-308.111402/

I do not have any experiences with Diagbox, could somebody please make some screenshots from Diagbox windows to lead me step by step.

As far as I understand the procedure which is french, important is to put the new VIN code manualy and then go to "REPAIR" option. Chose the telematic unit - in my case RCC and then again "REPAIR" and "REMOTE CONTROL" and finaly "REMOTE CONTROL WITH VISUALISATION OF PARAMETERS".
This will activate the automatic TELECODING a camera will be activated.
Because my 3008 does not have factory fitted reversing camera, need to be in "AAS" menu activated "Presence of reversing camera" by automatic telecoding.

Then the ignition/batery need to be disconected to apply the changes.

Greetings Georgio

The camera has been connected and activated, nevertheless the service reported to me some interference issue on the monitor.

It looks like I am facing the same problem like user Tor13 was reporting above.
The connection/wiring will be double checked.

Do you have some other ideas what can be the cause for this interference?

Thank you for every idea.

EDIT 1: videos have been added to present the issue which I have right now.

EDIT 2: camera itself is OK, tested on other car :spamafote:

EDIT 3: Might be caused this kind of behavior by taking the 12V (+) from the reverse light?
I am not sure how they did it, my 3008 had to stay over the night at dealer:confused:

EDIT 4: Feedback from service is still bad. They did the connection of camera and RCC unit via delivered harness , harness wasn´t mounted in car, the current (+12V) has been taken from BSI not from reversing light. Result - image is still flickering and rotating. They were not possible to fix it.
From their point of view the RCC unit is not capable to operate with the signal from reversing camera. I don´t know how to verify this statement at all.

Any idea how to fix this image issue ?

What do you think about the wire harness necessity ‪98 210 182 80‬ (approx. 25cm lenght cable with ferit core in the midle) which is mounted/connected to the camera in cars with reversing camera out of factory ?

Can somebody help me with this please?
Dernière édition:

The camera should the powered from an after-ignition 12V, so if they took it on the BSI (from a good PIN) it is good.
Via delivered harness ? How did they connect the camera without the harness (the one with the ferit) ?

I already had this view one time, it was because the negative video PIN was not connected correctly.

I took the retrofitting set of reversing camera which is originally made for Citroen C5 Aircross - set no. ‪1647580180‬. If you will have a look in to SERVISBOX you will find it including the assembly manual and way of connection.

Part of this set is also harness, which they used, to connect the camera with BSI and RCC unit.

Harness serial no. ‪1638448280‬.

This harness have 4 wires: +12V (red) from BSI to camera, groud (black) from camera to ground in boot, +/- signal from camera to RCC unit (color yellow and white).

This harness is pluged in directly into the camera, there is no any additional harness with ferit mentioned in the assembly instruction

Ok I see.

The ferit is not mandatory but recommended because on the 3008 there is one. You can buy or retrieve one somewhere and add it on your cable going to the camera.
But I'm pretty sure your issue is linked to negative video PIN not correctly connected. It should be checked using a multimeter.

Which one negativ video PIN - in camera or in RCC/NAC? Thank you, VLud.

What do you mean about the retrofitting set and by me used harness from the above mentioned set?

EDIT: Might be this image behavior related to my RCC unit?
Dernière édition:

Double check the white wire. You can buy a ferit alone, cost only 1€ at most and clip it on your current harness, there is no need to buy the original one.

J'ai trouvé le fameux faisceau qui va de la caméra au connecteur 6V, référence 98 210 182 80, mais vous allez rire !
Ce bout de câble coûte 144€ (soit, à 20€ près, le prix de la caméra) alors qu'il s'agit seulement de 2 connecteurs, 4 fils et une ferrite au milieu :

Mon bricolage avec câbles DuPont m'a coûté grand maximum 4€ si on ajoute une ferrite dessus :pt1cable:


Sinon pour installer la caméra à l'avant il faut:

16 179 773 80 - Enjoliveur camera (25€ TTC)
16 179 774 80 - Support Camera (12€ TTC)
98 093 010 80 - Camera Panoramique (165€ TTC, la même qu'à l'arrière)
16 188 432 80 - Boitier d'Aide Visuelle Panoramique (242€ TTC) qui ressemble à ça: (Y en a sur eBay pour 160€ environ)

98 117 500 80 - Support boitier d'aide visuelle (5€ TTC)

Le principe va consister à ne pas envoyer la vidéo de la caméra arrière directement vers le NAC mais vers le boitier en question, avec la vidéo de la caméra à l'avant, et c'est ce boitier qui renvoie la vidéo en 360 sur les PIN du NAC (reliés à la caméra arrière d'origine donc) ;)

Ca fait quand même une modification à 449€ TTC avec du matériel neuf :kc:


La Caméra coûte 92€ au lieu de 165€ ici: https://www.carparts-pros.com/

Now I have bought this box and now i want to install it, the problem is just, should nac be telecoded to 360 view or is it just enough to throw the box on? have tried with a donor vin from a 3008 with 360 view that failed the automatic coding, my question is does nac need to be coded for it?
if so how do i have to do the coding?

Aujourd'hui j'ai reçu le pack complet destiné au C5 Aircross (1647580180), il permet d'avoir une caméra panoramique 180°, le connecteur TE d'origine et le faisceau complet jusqu'au BSI (quand bien même il est plus intéressant de le couper et fabriquer le connecteur 6 voies présent dans le hayon si pré-équipé - je ferais une mise à jour la dessus prochainement -) pour seulement 130€.
Sachant que le support et l'enjoliveur sont plus gros il vous faut toujours l'enjoliveur et le support pour la 308 (98 185 353 XT et 98 185 349 80) en plus, soit un total de 145€ (moins cher que la caméra seule !!), disponible ici ou en CC, ça permet de faire un montage propre :D

Alternativement j'ai mis à jour le tutoriel il y a quelques temps avec un lien vers Aliexpress où ils vendent le connecteur d'origine et 4 fils pré-insérés pour 8€ et quelques, sachant qu'on peut trouver la caméra panoramique à 80€ fdp in sur eBay c'est un autre choix intéressant ! :bien:
Dernière édition:
  • J'aime
Reactions: BryanBrown

Tutoriel mis à jour, plus aucun bidouillage avec le pack accessoires pour C5 Aircross, ancienne version déplacée sur un post plus en dessous (à cause de la limite des 10.000 caractères par post)
  • J'aime
Reactions: Andy13 and Jeanluk

Hello VLud,

sorry to coming to you again regarding 180° reversing camera issue on my 3008 (P84) MY2018, because after coming back from dealer after interview with the technician, who tried to install the camera 4 weeks ago, I have some additional information.

1) Regarding wiring:
Wire harness was installed almost like in the installation guideline, it means:

1a) Dashboard side: To BSI/PH Black socket (+ power supply), ground (-) and video signal +/- to module A in RCC unit.

The white wire (+ video signal) was properly installed according him and should not might influence (locking lance had to be OK while installation). Nevertheless now is the primary lock damaged on the white wire (+video signal).

=> I am going to replace it with the new one terminal.

1b) Camera side: wires plugged in delivered TE-connector into the camera. But the violet secondary lock wasn't mounted by him (see instruction page 7/25 step 2) , because than cannot be the TE-connector plugged into the camera socket according him. This is nonsense. I can see that yellow (video negative signal) and Black (ground) terminals are not in the same distance/on the end of connector, maybe about 0,5mm shorter.

According to me, it is next potential for bad/instable contact on camera terminals. What is your opinion to this?

=> I am going to push all terminals till end and lock them with secondary lock (violet).

2) Telecoding:

When they did the telecoding using the adopted VIN, in Diagbox appeared the notification that my RCC unit does not count with reversing camera. Nevertheless the telecoding was done and camera picture appeared on monitor when reversing gear was engaged.

Finally they coded back the RCC with my origin VIN code to avoid some functional problems when the camera wasn't installed.

Might be this due to not suitable VIN code which I found? I did the comparison of all interior fittings and only one difference is at point related to radio receiver digital connected vs. analog connected color radio (my).

The result was the rotating/freezing screen of camera. They did also the verification of possible interference source coming from car network, with external 12V power supply and the result was still the same - > rotating/freezing screen.

The camera itself was tested by them on other 3008 with camera installed from factory and camera was working properly.

From their point of view (Peugeot service) my type of RCC unit can be likely the struggling point. I am still not fully convinced about that conclusion. Why for C5 Aircross isn't any limitation in term of supported RCC units. I do not believe that Bosch (radio producer) has different hardware for variants with/without reversing camera.

I think PSA has only A1/A2 RCC radio units and NAC.

I am going to fix both of above mentioned possible factors related to bad/instable contact and then I will try it once again. But after that I am at the end.

Thank you very much for your point of view to that and also point of view in term of likely RCC unit influence. My RCC unit is ‪1625945580‬ with Wi-Fi, Mirror link, Android Auto and Apple Car Play support.

Thank you.

Hello Vlud,
Another project that I'm doing is changing from visiopark 1 to visiopark 2 by adding the front camera and the panoramic visual aid control module. In the control module wiring diagram there are 12 wires, but none of them connect the module to the CAN network. Do you know if that's right? In the technical description of the panoramic visual aid control module, it shows that pins 17 and 18 refer to CAN INFO DIV High and CAN INFO DIV Low, but these two do not appear on the electrical diagram. Are they really missing?

No they should not be missing so the ECU can be accessible using Diagbox. (and it is probably sending few messages on the network for other ECUs)


10: +12V
16: Ground
17: CAN High
18: CAN Low

6: Output Video - (to the NAC)
15: Output Video + (to the NAC)

11: +12V for Rear camera
14: Ground for Rear Camera
12: Input Video + Rear camera
3: Input Video - Rear Camera

2: +12V for Front camera
5: Ground for Front Camera
4: Input Video - Front Camera
13: Input Video + Front Camera

Dernière édition:
  • J'aime
Reactions: ezejp and RuLe

No they should not be missing so the ECU can be accessible using Diagbox. (and it is probably sending few messages on the network for other ECUs)


10: +12V
16: Ground
17: CAN High
18: CAN Low

6: Output Video - (to the NAC)
15: Output Video + (to the NAC)

11: +12V for Rear camera
14: Ground for Rear Camera
12: Input Video + Rear camera
3: Input Video - Rear Camera

2: +12V for Front camera
4: Ground for Front Camera
5: Input Video - Front Camera
13: Input Video + Front Camera

Thank you very much. Strangely in my wiring diagram there are no connections for pins 17 and 18. I need to confirm where pins 17 and 18 are connected to BSI.

CAN High: PIN 17 > PIN 34 (BSI: 60 ways yellow connector - 60V JN)
CAN Low: PIN 18 > PIN 36 (BSI: 60 ways yellow connector- 60V JN)


Hi Vlud,
I just installed the visiopark 2 calculator. I connected Diagbox to telecode, but there is no option to telecode the visiopark 2 calculator, just telechargement. Do you know what is the difference?
Another point, after I telecode the driver assistance options in the NAC, the rear camera got the spherical image, and the lines no longer appear.
I received a message in diagbox after NAC telecoding that the camera needed to be initialized. How to do this?

Hi Vlud,
I just installed the visiopark 2 calculator. I connected Diagbox to telecode, but there is no option to telecode the visiopark 2 calculator, just telechargement. Do you know what is the difference?
Another point, after I telecode the driver assistance options in the NAC, the rear camera got the spherical image, and the lines no longer appear.
I received a message in diagbox after NAC telecoding that the camera needed to be initialized. How to do this?

I did the initialization with Diagbox and now it is working perfectly. But I still have a doubt. Is it possible to activate the front camera every time the front sensor detects an obstacle?

Qu'est-ce qui vous donne 1 jeton pour diagbox 9.xx ?? changer seulement 1 paramètre? une journée de télécodage? si quelqu'un sait, merci.

Hi Vlud,
I just installed the visiopark 2 calculator. I connected Diagbox to telecode, but there is no option to telecode the visiopark 2 calculator, just telechargement. Do you know what is the difference?
Another point, after I telecode the driver assistance options in the NAC, the rear camera got the spherical image, and the lines no longer appear.
I received a message in diagbox after NAC telecoding that the camera needed to be initialized. How to do this?

Great job mate!

i have some question regarding ur DIY

How did u wire the camera to the front bumper?

and can u tell me excatly how u did the coding for the front camera

thanks in advance

Salut Vlud ,

J'ai une allure avec nac de debut 2018.
La caméra installé est la 130° sans visiopark. car rupture lors de la fab du vehicule .

j'ai donc la vu standard ( pas de dessus) , si j' installe la 180° aurais-je la vu du dessus ??
merci d 'avances pour ton aide