[TUTO] Télécodage et calibration d'un NAC / RCC / CIROCCO / CMB_NUM SANS Diagbox via Arduino

Good evening, I believe I've found a potential solution to my cruise control issue in this post. The problem is that the cruise control isn't saving the speeds detected by the CVM. Could someone please guide me on how to program an Arduino to make the cruise control adopt the speeds detected by the CVM?
@marcins , @ezeyhomero

J'ai ça : / I have this :

23C0 - Presence des consignes de Vitesse Programmees a l'ecran tactiles : 00-absent
2415 -
Presence et type d'acquisition de l'Information Limitation Vitesse (ILV) : 03-cam/nav
- Présence LVV RVV ACC : 5-ACC avec LVV

Oui, j'ai l'option ACC avec LW, elle fonctionne bien...
Ce que je cherche c'est à utiliser les choix de vitesses sur l'écran central (photo 3)

Yes, I have the ACC with LW option on my car, they work fine...
What I'm looking for is to use the programmed speed choices (photo 3).

You try to set up
RVV - Regulate the vehicle speed
LVV - Limit the vehicle speed

Voir la pièce jointe 32998 Voir la pièce jointe 32999
Good evening. I believe I've found a potential solution to my cruise control issue where the system is not saving the detected speeds.

Could you please give me some pointers in how to read the current values in this zones and how to change them to the correct values that would allow the cruise control to automatically adjust to the speeds detected by the CVM at traffic signals.

Thank you very much

@VLud je pense qu'il y a un probleme avec les deux logiciel du NAC et du cirocco.

Lors du lancement en cliqant sur NAC/CMB connect il ne se pass rien et dans le log, il y a juste:

> 00
> >764:664
> 1003
< OK

J'ai essayer avec les dernières versions sur le github et des anciennes: pareil

@VLud , as @Futee it do not solve the problem,

I tried again today both NAC/ Cirocco software do not work (I tried about 10 time for each software)
In log file and in arduino serial monitor, I have Ok answer, so the issue is not with arduino.
avez vous trouver d'ou venait le probleme ? j'ai exactement le meme @nico1080
do you have solved the probleme @Futee ?

je rencontre un probleme lors de la saisie de la commande >764:664 la reponse du logiciel est OK
Puis lorsque je saisie 1003 je n'ai pas de réponse
comment régler ce probleme ?

French (google translate):
Bonjour, quelqu'un peut-il m'aider à activer la navigation dans le menu du téléphone 208/2008 fabriqué par Visteon (COMBINE_UDS_EV) via la console, car avec l'application Cirocco je ne peux pas l'activer ? Je n'ai que des cadrans, simple, personnel 1 et personnel 2 sans option de navigation. Merci

Hello, can someone help to activate menu navigation in 208/2008 handset is manufactured by Visteon (COMBINE_UDS_EV) via console, because with cirocco app i can't activate? I only have dials, simple, personal 1 and personal 2 without navigation option. Thank you
Dernière édition:

félicitation pour tout ce travail. Je me suis surpris à avoir monté mon Arduino + canBus sans soucis et ça fonctionne !
J'ai pu vérifier quelques paramètres de mon Nac wave2 sur ma 5008.
Cependant, j'esperais résoudre mon problème de bluetooth : Il reste grisé comme desactivé.
J'ai coché 2107 : Telecoding_Fct_BT
Mais rien à faire.

J'ai parcouru tous les messages de ce forum mais je suppose que j'ai raté quelque chose.
J'ai lu des choses concernant Fmux et 010e mais je ne sais pas comment y avoir accès via l'appli ou la console ?

Merci d'avance.

I didn’t follow discussion (j’ai peur de faire un hors sujet), but as I remember if you want to add adaptive cruiser u need to enable it into :
Engine Ecu
And combiné

Hello. I am trying to activate ACC in my vehicle. I can not do telecoding with Diagbox. I need to code ESP90, Artiv and CVM_3 with Arduino. I coded BSI and Cirocco. Can you help me? @marcins @nabil2106

Hi guys i have been trying to upload calibration file for peugeot 308 rcc unit from citroen. But it alway stuck at downloading sometimes 0 sometimes 1. What i am doing wrong?

Multilingue avec changement instantané (pas comme Diagbox), commencement des menus des ECUs, ça avance !
Quand j'aurais fini toute la base et les structures des JSON je pourrais publier et c'est là que tout le monde pourra rentrer en jeu pour la traduction, l'ajout des voitures, l'ajout des ECUs, etc ;)
Beaucoup de boulot où l'union fait la force et où toute personne qui aidera gagnera sa place en crédit :chinois:
Hello Vlud. I'd like to buy this software. Can you tell me how?

@VLud @marcins I'm trying unseccesfully to connect to the combine, mine is exactly a YZK CMB N3, nac.exe is working flawlessly but no way to connecto to read and edit parameters with CIROCCO.exe. Your help would be very appreciated. This is what I see from the terminal

> >75F:65F
> 1003
< OK
< 500300C80014
> 22F0FE
< 7F2231
  • J'aime
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J'ai une e2008 qui ne dispose pas des options que j'ai sur ma e208, c'est à dire l'ouverture main libre (proximity ?) et les pleins phare automatique entre autre.
J'aimerai activer ses options.

Pour l'accès mains libre, ai-je besoin de l'ajout d'un équipement particulier ?
Comment puis-je savoir quels paramètres sont à modifier ?

Merci !

Yes i know that, the thing is, nothing happens when i press the mem button, it´s almost like there is no "speeds" in "memory" to call when the MEM buttons is pressed.
I have the same issue. I believe it was already discussed here, but i didnt follow the topic properly, also didnt have time to finish the coding. Maybe try going once again through comments.
I remember vaguely that @Albatros24 was the first to have this issue? (sorry if im wrong and I am tagging you randomly :) )

I have retrofitted a RCC A2 system (which was dismantled from a Citroen C-Elysee) in to a Peugeot 301 and I have three problems with it:
1. After changing the VIN, in the 2108: Telecoding_Fct_BTEL I have changed the Manufacturer's brand to PEUGEOUT and the vehicle model to 0x10 - W2: 301 / C3, when the unit is starting it shows the Peugeot logo for a short time and after it shows again the Citroen logo. How can it be set to stay on Peugeot?
2. The "under-inflation initialization" button appears in the menu, but nothing happens when I press it. The same is the problem with the Trip computer, it shows the average speed/consumption, but if I pres Reset button, it only makes a beep sound and it is not resetting the values.
3. After some more trying with the coding, the exterior temperature unit changed to Fahrenheit instead of Celsius and if I change again to Celsius from the "System configuration" it remains on Fahrenheit.
The calibration number is 9692655280, I have attached the Parameters file.
Thanks in advance.

Pièces jointes

Hello everyone. I have C5 Aircross without ACC. I want to enable Acc on my car. I try to code my BSI, NAC, INJ, CVM, ESP and Radar. But it did not work. If anyone has a C5 Aircross with ACC, can you send me the values of the zones? Thank you in advance.
radar(artiv) 2101
bva(botevit) 2101
cmm(inj) 2101
esp(abrabs) 2101

My car has Park Assist activated (with driver intervention)
It's enabled in AAS_UDS_G5 (2101BD)
In BSI_2010_EV (230073)
In DAE (61A005C0D80002000002)
And in NAC (210CC010)

I have not made any changes to ESP90 ECU; so in Diagbox I can see that CPK is not enabled.
My question is, is it possible to enable "Continuous CPK" (without driver intervention, system controls acceleration and brakes)
in a C5 Aircross, if CPK is enabled in ESP90 as well? Also, with this change I think other zones in other ECUs such as NAC and BSI should be changed as well.
Would you provide regarding zone or byte information regarding the topic?
I can post calibrations from any ECU if needed, thanks in advance

I have the same configuration.
Peugeot 3008 2020 GT PHEV
BSI - 2300 = 73
AAS - Semi automatic parking active
DAE - Semi automatic parking active (checked with Diagnostique tool)
NAC - same via parking menu

I press the Parking option on the screen, then pick Lateral parking, a green steering appears on the screen and then disappears.

Do i miss something?
And yes, i do have 12 sensors!

Update: Seems like ESP the option is off.
2101 reads the following:

Which one represents semi-auto parking, please? @marcins you said byte 38, bits 7.8
Is this write command correct or am I bad at math?


Also, what's the unlock keys?

Update 2: tried to write and i get 7F2E33
Unlock keys don’t work for some reason
Dernière édition:

My problem is that the canbus shield LED lights, pwr, tx, rx, int are constantly on when running the low speed sketch.
It works fine in high speed mode.
Thus I can't reach my NAC unit.

Details are:

I have bought a wave 2 NAC unit (9820469280) which I have installed in my Citroen C4 Grand Picasso 2015.
It works but beeps every 1 sec. as expected as I have to change the VIN.

So I have assembled an arduino UNO + canbus shield v1.2 MCPP2515. It has a 16mhz OSC. The 120 resistor is intact (verified with multimeter measuring the ohms from can-H to can-L).
I have uploaded the vers. 1.9 of the arduino-psa-diag.INO sketch.
I am using the settings:
#define CS_PIN_CAN0 10
#define CAN_FREQ MCP_16MHZ

When using the arduino serial monitor I can communicate just fine with the BSI module.
1003 => 5003
22F190 => 62F1905646373341<SNIP>)
It responds with the VIN code of the car. :)

This should confirm that the arduino+shield works. Right ?
Shield LEDs are:
PWR: always on
TX/RX: blinks when issuing commands.
So the LED lights of the shield seems to behave as expected.

Next step is trying to talk to the NAC unit in low speed mode as required.
I then compile and upload the arduino-psa-diag-low-speed.INO sketch.
#define CS_PIN_CAN0 10
#define CAN_FREQ MCP_16MHZ

When I try the following commands in the serial monitor I get;

>764:664 => only PRW led is on.
1003 => ALL leds (PWR, TX, RX, INT) lights up and stays on ????
This also happens without OBD cable connected. Just sitting there on my test bench all alone.
as soon as I type 1003 I get the faulty LED lights coming up. all 4 of them as seen on the photo attached.

What can I do to fix this ?
I seems to prevent me from connecting to my NAC.

Pièces jointes

  • shield.jpg
    431.3 Ko · Affichages: 6
Dernière édition:

Hello everyone. I have C5 Aircross without ACC. I want to enable Acc on my car. I try to code my BSI, NAC, INJ, CVM, ESP and Radar. But it did not work. If anyone has a C5 Aircross with ACC, can you send me the values of the zones? Thank you in advance.
radar(artiv) 2101
bva(botevit) 2101
cmm(inj) 2101
esp(abrabs) 2101

Pièces jointes

@mark102 Thanks you very. I write this values except ESP90. Because of different part number. But ACC still not working. It show front car with its distance. But it gives error “Activation denied, conditions unsuitable”. I think I have to activate another options like a zone on BSI or other ECU’s.

Thanks you very. I write this values except ESP90. Because of different part number. But ACC still not working. It show front car with its distance.
Hello, do you have any more information, I mean a bit more specific into what I should be enabling?
I did managed to enable ACC in the BSI from zone 2348 by changing it into 05 and ACC showed up on my CIROCCO
But obviously, It did not work, it gave me the message "Activation denied, conditions unsuitable"
Strangely, the system recognized the car in front, but no matter at what distance it was, it would show me that is very close to me, even when it wasn`t
Seems that the distance control works from the upper MEM button on the CC leaver like it`s supposed to. I don`t know if this is related to the radar/CVM system, am I missing something? I looked into zone 23BC which seems to be involved in the safe distance keeping, but it gives me an out of range error so I don`t have that zone, am I looking in the wrong places?
O the other hand, thanks to @ezeyhomero, who suggested that, I managed to activate the "Intelligent cruise control", it`s like ACC, but uses no brakes, instead it uses engine braking to slow the car when it sees a car in front, which is actually nice, I got it from 23BD zone "Intelligent Cruise Control" or something like that....

Do you happened to know someone that managed to activate it and what zones needed to be modified? can it be done?, I`m starting to suspect that my BSI`s architecture isn`t capable of this...
you have to code Artiv and Inj. I did it. ACC is not working yet. But I shows front car with distance.

Thanks you very. I write this values except ESP90. Because of different part number. But ACC still not working. It show front car with its distance.

you have to code Artiv and Inj. I did it. ACC is not working yet. But I shows front car with distance.
take a screenshot of the ESB by Diagbox image
and help in drive in BSI
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